USA/Canada 1 888 634 8728 | Albania +355 69 405 1701, +355 4 223 6642 | Toronto 1 416 409 9529

Ne bejme njerezit te lumtur!
Ky eshte pasioni dhe misioni yne.

Dergojme lule ne pothuaj te gjitha qytetet e Shqiperise: Tirane, Durres, Vlore, Korce, Elbasan, Fier, Gjirokaster, Shkoder etj. Ne shume rrethe ne shperndajme edhe ne fshatrat perreth.
Porosit buqeta te shumellojsheme per cdo rast: ne i dergojme ekzaktesisht sipas udhezimeve tuaja.

Per dergesat ne Tirane dhe fshatra ne bejme nje foto te momentit te dorezimit te buqetes dhe jua dergojme foton se bashku me email-in e konfirmimit te kryerjes se porosise.
Sherbimi i fotos aplikohet per te gjitha llojet e dergesave te ne Tirane, si dhe ne shumices a dergesave neper rrethe.

Qe prej vitit 2005, me dhjetra mijera buqeta lulesh e dhurata, me dhjetera mijera njerez te lumtur anembane Shqiperise.

Flowers to Vlora and villages

Flowers to Vlora for any occasion, from birthdays and anniversaries to sympathy.
We can make same day delivery, but you have to contact us to confirm.

Flowers to Shkodra and villages

Send fresh flowers to Shkodra Albania, from the best florins of this city.
You can even create your own bouquet by yourself, by picking the flowers of your choice.

Flowers to Saranda

Send flowers to your loved ones in Saranda, with the best florist in the city.

Flowers to Korca, Pogradec and villages

Send fresh flowers to Korce, Pogradec and surrounding villages for any occasion, from birthdays and anniversaries to expressions of sympathy.

Flowers to Elbasan and villages

We send fresh flowers all over the city of Elbasan and the surrounding towns.
Flowers are delivered by the best local florist in Elbasan.

Flowers to Kruje

Order fresh flowers with the best florist in Fush Kruje.

Flowers to Lushnje

Send fresh flowers to Lushnje, Rrogozhine and Peqin, Albania.
You can either choose one of the displayed bouquets, or create one yourself, by picking the flowers that you want.

Flowers to Fier, Patos and villages

We send flowers to Fier.
Flowers are delivered by the best Fier florist, who makes the bouquets out of fresh local albanian flowers as well as seasonal imported flowers.

Flowers to Gjirokastra

We send flowers in the city of Gjirokastra.
Please note that our florist in Gjirokastra is unable to deliver outside of the city.

Flowers to Tirana and villages

Fresh bouquets made with style and fantasy from the best florists in Tirana.

We will take a picture of the delivery moment and send it to you.

Flowers to Durres Kavaja and villages

Send flowers to your loved ones with the best florist in the city of Durres.
Note that in Durres, we take a picture of the bouquet in the shop and not at the delivery moment.

Flowers to Berat

Send flowers to your loved ones in Berat, Kucove and few villages.

Flowers to Tepelena

Send flowers to your loved ones in Tepelene and neighbouring villages.
Flowers are sent by the best florist in Tepelene, who makes the bouquets out of fresh local Albanian flowers as well as seasonal imported flowers.

Studimi i thelle shkencor i luleve e ka fillimin jo shume kohe me pare por bukuria e tyre eshte cmuar nga njerezimi prej mijera vitesh.
Kultivimi i tyre ne historine e njerezimit eshte i lidhur me krijimin e kopshteve, lindja e te cilave ju perket koheve me te lashta.
Bimesia e Shqiperise, ne saje te shumellojshmerise e te gershetimit te klimave te ndryshme, te larmise se shkembinjve amnore dhe te relievit te perthyer eshte mjaft e pasur: me rreth 3200 lloje te ndryshme. Ne te gjenden shume bime te dobishme, si aromatike-mjekesore, zbukurimi, etj.

Lulet e rralla shqiptare nuk kane te bukur vetem emrin, shume prej tyre jane edhe vete shume shume te bukura. I tille eshte zambaku qe rritet ne Lure, ne Malin me Gropa, ne Martanesh, ne Llogara, etj. Me petalet e tij ne ngjyre portokalli ai u jep nje bukuri te rralle ketyre vendeve dhe duket sikur ka lindur nga buzeqeshja e shkembit. Botanisti qe e zbuloi kete bime e quaji Lilium Albanicum, qe do te thote zambaku Shqiptar.
Shqiptaret kane nje tradite te vjeter popullore te dashurise e kultivimin e luleve, e kjo tradite eshte trasheguar brez pas brezi. Bukuria e formave dhe e ngjyrave te tyre ka terhequr vemendjen e stregjysherve tane. Per kete flasin vizatimet ne mure e qeramike, skalitjet ne gur, dru, hekur, bronz, bakere argjend, qindizmat ne veshjet kombetare, qilima, jasteqe, shami, etj etj.
Oborret e shtepive te thjeshta kane pasur gjithnje shumellojshmeri: borzilok, trendafil, lulemisiri, manushaqe, karafila, zymbyla, zambake, lulepatate, tulipane, narcisa, gladiola, luleshqera, salvia te kuqe, lulepatate (Dahlia), krizantema, asparaguse, lule vile kineze, fikus, gjetheshqiponje, goje ujku, begonja te ndryshme, etj etj.
Ato i kane mbjelle dhe i kane rritur me dashuri gjyshet dhe nenat tona Shkodrane, Tiranase, Elbasanase, Gjirokastrite, Korcare, etj, duke zbukuruar oborret dhe postatet prej guri te lyera me gelqere, shkallet ose dritaret, ndonese shtepite mund t'i kishin pa oxhak dhe pa tavan.
Llojshmeria ne oborret e ketyre shtepive, ka qene e madhe dhe ndryshonte nga nje krahine ne tjetren.
Emra te tilla si trendafilat, karafilat, borziloku, etj njiheshin dhe kultivoheshin ne te gjithe Shqiperine, por ka edhe te tjera qe jane karakteristike per nje krahine te caktuar.

Dashuria e popullit tone artist per lulet eshte perjetesuar edhe ne shume kenge popullore. Ja disa tituj te ketyre kengeve: "Celu si mimoza", "Mimoza e dashurise", "Cel si gonxhe dashuria", "Lule t'bukura sjell pranvera", "Vajze moj, lule moj", "Kur celin bozhuret", "Keputa nje gjethe dafine", "O zambak, zambaku i bardhe", "Zambaku i Prizrenit", "Lule t'bukura ka Tirana" etj etj.

Nje buqete e fresket eshte stolia e festave tona te shenuara e ne jua dhurojme prinderve, shokeve, miqve, te aferme dhe te dashurve tane.
Eshte kjo tradite jona e hershme qe ideoi krijimin e sherbimit te

5.0 ★★★★★
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5.0 ★★★★★