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Shporte me cokollata

Chocolate basket

It is guaranteed your loved ones will appreciate this gift.
The basket contains Milka, Confina, Schogetten, etc.

Cmimi origjinal: 3,500 Leke

Shporte me cokollata dhe vere

Chocolate and wine basket

This gift basket contains a bottle of wine and chocolates: Milka, Confina, Schogetten, etc.
The recipient must be at least 21 years old.

Cmimi origjinal: 4,000 Leke

Shporte me fruta e cokollata

Fruits and chocolate basket

Basket contains four chocolates such as Milka, Lindt and a small pack of Rafaello chocolates or Ferrero Rocher.
Various fruits such as oranges, apples, pears, bananas and kiwi.
Suggested for Mother's Day.

Cmimi origjinal: 4,500 Leke

Shporta e femijeve

Kids basket

This basket is suitable for children.
It contains:
Chocolates such as Milka, Confina, Twix, Snickers etc.
Chips such as Lays, Doritos, Pringles etc.
Haribo candy.

Cmimi origjinal: 4,000 Leke

Fruta ne shporte

Basket with fruits of the season

This basket contains red, yellow or green apples, green or yellow pears, oranges, peaches and nectarines.
Fruits in the basket may differ depending on the season.
The baskets in the picture have filling material at the bottom, in Albania we do not use filling material and for this reason it may appear less voluminous than in the picture.

Cmimi origjinal: 3,000 Leke

Fruta te stines dhe vere

Season fruits and wine

The basket contains different fruits according to the season and a 750 ml bottle of wine.
The baskets in the picture have filling material at the bottom, in Albania we do not use filling material and for this reason it may appear less voluminous than in the picture.
The recipient must be at least 21 years old.

Cmimi origjinal: 3,800 Leke